Novel serum protein biomarkers and functional data analysis-based algorithm used to develop a predictive test for lung function decline.
Infectious Disease
Bi-valent spherical virus like particle (VLP) vaccine against Ebola virus.
Scientists have shown that src kinase inhibitors are effective at treating CF patients with a frame deletion of F508 in the CFTR gene.
Infectious Disease
A non-replicating subunit Rotavirus vaccine was developed by using a novel S particle platform and displaying recombinant antigens.
Metabolic disorder
Therapy for neuronopathic Gaucher Disease using gene therapy and a specialized neuronal lineage iPS cell that facilitates entry to and engraftment in the brain.
"Oncology, Inflammation"
Pharmacologic and genetic inhibition of UBE2N suppresses the function and viability of MDS/AML cells lines and patient samples. A commercially available and a novel compound has been identified.
Rapid reliable method for collection of keratinocyte RNA, DNA, microbiome, proteins, lipids, and metabolites.
Oncology & Pulmonology
Increased FOXM1 is associated with proliferative diseases such as cancer and pulmonary diseases. A small molecule FOXM1 inhibitor has been identified.
A recombinant antibody has been developed for Cela1, which is important in diseases of stretch-induced distal airspace destruction such as emphysema.
Spheric endo-luminal traction device helps improve surgical outcomes for individuals with long-gap esophageal atresia